Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
5¢ Lemonade

There are times I remember
When we'd be sitting on my porch
I'd be playing on my guitar and you-
You'd be singing out your heart
The sun still rises like it did all these years ago
And I wish I could be with you again
Let's go back to when we were young
Selling 5¢ lemonade and going to the fair
To buy purple balloons
When the only thing that mattered was me and you
And our dreams
Now I see a loss of innocence is evident
As you wrap the scarf around your neck
Why did you change?
I can't get over how my friend is nothing more then a stranger
And I wish I could be with you again
Let's go back to when we were young
Selling 5¢ lemonade and going to the fair
To buy purple balloons
When the only thing that mattered was me and you
And our dreams
See the sun coming over the top?
It still rises like it did years ago
ⓒ me
Friday, December 12, 2008
Carpe Diem

Three and a half months left
And I'm still too freaked out.
But my stubbornness might come in handy
Because it's starting to push the scared part aside
Three Years and a half left
And I'm still too scared to know what to do
I want to go out there and live my life so strong
And maybe when it all clicks I'll climb out that window to find the open door
The rest of my life left
And I know I want to make a difference
I never want to have any regrets and I can't help but wonder
If these two things could possibly be the biggest one's if I don't seize them
Because I want to know you and myself better
Friday, November 28, 2008
Travel the Lesser Road

Sometimes I try to imagine
What its like for you to live there
With me here
So far from you
And then I realize
I know so much less about you
Then I thought that I ever did
And I knew more then most
So now you left me asking questions
Wanting answers
Dying to know what happened
What this means
But I'll leave it to you
To figure it out first
And then maybe once you're ready
You can let me know
And Fly Back to me to Pour Out your Heart's Cries
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
One Two Three
It all comes down to this:
i suck it up, take a deep breath, and go
Step off the edge with eyes wide open
See what I'm free falling into
Because in the end I know
Everything will be okay
There are of course a few possible outcomes
Rejection, Acquaintances, Friendship,
Possibly, dare I utter, love?
If I do remain true and open my mouth
And if I do not? Nothing.
None of those would happen
And both of us would remain a friend short
This is all what my gut tells me
I'm scared
Because I am not bold
But then who says I need to be bold
When I can act confident?
Find the common denominator.
Find the courage.
Find the ability to move against the flow
I've made for myself all these years
on the count of three let go. one, two...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Death over Life
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Decisions, decisions

I think I need
To throw it all away
And just step off the end
And be free to find me
Cuz lately I've been confused
Where should I be going with my life
And I'm not sure what I'm doing now
Is the road I want to be following
Really I think I am
Caught between a rock and a hard place
Which makes me sad
Because everyone else seems so focused
I guess I just need to decide
To throw it all away
And just step off the end
And be free to find me
Cuz lately I've been confused
Where should I be going with my life
And I'm not sure what I'm doing now
Is the road I want to be following
Really I think I am
Caught between a rock and a hard place
Which makes me sad
Because everyone else seems so focused
I guess I just need to decide
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
1000 Words
Monday, August 18, 2008
Watch Out

I think
What I mostly want to do
Is go out there
And make a name for myself
Not into the world though
Not yet
What I really mean
Is into university
I want them to like me
But I think for the wrong reasons
But since coming to that conclusion
I can change that
I know I can
So I'll be myself
But if I could still change one thing
I think I'd try to be
more outgoing and less shy
Giving it up
What I mostly want to do
Is go out there
And make a name for myself
Not into the world though
Not yet
What I really mean
Is into university
I want them to like me
But I think for the wrong reasons
But since coming to that conclusion
I can change that
I know I can
So I'll be myself
But if I could still change one thing
I think I'd try to be
more outgoing and less shy
Giving it up
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Start Anew

In the last three months
of working where I do
some of my peers from elementary school
have come in
They all looked relatively the same
But they all looked different too
Like some sort of magic
Just took them over and changed them slightly
The guys were taller of course
one guy no longer lisped
(because he obviously had braces as i did
to get rid of the horrendous antic)
They all had a definite style to them
Whether it was one the preppy side or
a bit more casual or even
but i guess i came to realize something
after they came in
something about myself
that i didn't quite want to give up
( i realized this even more so after one of my
closest friend's who is going to school with me next year
acts less grown up then me yet dresses not so much like that
and has a more elegant job )
i'm tired of being afraid to do things
and not having my own opinion about things
and needing the approval of my parents
and not living my own life
i think it was the hairstyle changes
that my old friend's came in with
because they all loved lovely
except for the one boy who loved peeved (his hair was unchanged)
and i would love some elegant hairstyle
instead of the hairstyle i have now
because it hasn't changed
in my entire life.
i'm hoping that university changes me.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Miss Think and Mr. Know

The other day
I let go of all the thoughts
Of seeing him ever again
Because seeing you again would be too soon
And I let go
Of the truth
And the lies that she feed me
These last four years
But then I saw him this weekend
And I wondered as he looked over at me
If he ever did have such emotions
And if I still did for him
And maybe letting go
Was good enough for a while
But now I need to clean up the rest
Of the mess that surrounds it
And then maybe what I let go of
Those thoughts
Will come back just to prove me wrong
And I will be overjoyed and filled with love
And then it could prove me wrong about her too
Because I haven't completely let go
Of her at all
I never will be able too
Prove me Wrong; Comeback
I let go of all the thoughts
Of seeing him ever again
Because seeing you again would be too soon
And I let go
Of the truth
And the lies that she feed me
These last four years
But then I saw him this weekend
And I wondered as he looked over at me
If he ever did have such emotions
And if I still did for him
And maybe letting go
Was good enough for a while
But now I need to clean up the rest
Of the mess that surrounds it
And then maybe what I let go of
Those thoughts
Will come back just to prove me wrong
And I will be overjoyed and filled with love
And then it could prove me wrong about her too
Because I haven't completely let go
Of her at all
I never will be able too
Prove me Wrong; Comeback
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008

This morning I got a phone call
I thought it was you
I was so excited to hear your voice
But I was disappointed when it wasn't you
And this is getting stupid
And this is getting old
Ignoring me like this
And it hurts
Break apart
Breaking apart
Breaking apart
Broken apart
So where do we go from here?
You apologize
But each time makes it harder
To forgive you
And harder
And harder
But here's the thing:
I do forgive you.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Slow Dance in the Moonlight

A Dream.
Two families. Two People. Two Meets One.
The fear. The rejection? The fear.
Try to sing to make it better.
You can't. I laugh.
Hold your face with my hands.
Start to slow dance.
Music comes from our soul.
Your eyes are the ocean; your hair is so soft.
Close my eyes and rest my head against your shoulder.
Taller than me. It works.
I wish to dance the night away.
Slow dancing under the golden moonlight.
I lift my head. You haven't taken your eyes off me.
How did I become so brave to be here.
We break apart. We must leave.
I meet you again.
Shorter hair. I say I like it. Makes you look more like you.
You smile. Were unsure how I would take it.
Both so unsure but willing to make this work.
The snow is warm.
Try to kiss me. I turn away.
I look at my house and feel judging eyes.
My eyes.
My promise. I cannot break it for myself.
I want to cry; I want to take it back.
You try again and I tell you no and why.
Sigh. Then I do from sadness and relief mingled.
And you pull out a box. A ring.
And I woke up.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Such an empty void
Crash over my head
Its getting to me, its getting to me
You twitch, flinch back
Take it in, take it in
No sense in wasting time on words
That are too good for your itching ears
Fall Back! Fall back.
Step back into your ranks
The war is starting and you've already lost
Keep yourself to yourself
I want none of you
So get lost.
I'll leave too.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Visual Impressions

Sorry, but I just fell in love
With your eyes again
Because they make me feel
And could you maybe shut them
For just a moment
While I find my thoughts
And my words
Why must they stare
And make contact with mine
And imply things
That should be spoken
They search
I am being examined
My hair, my clothes, how I carry myself, my brand of shoe
Until my eyes make you turn
But I don't think
I can make eye contact much longer
Without a word uttered
To give me any idea
Could you use your mouth and not your eyes for once?
With your eyes again
Because they make me feel
And could you maybe shut them
For just a moment
While I find my thoughts
And my words
Why must they stare
And make contact with mine
And imply things
That should be spoken
They search
I am being examined
My hair, my clothes, how I carry myself, my brand of shoe
Until my eyes make you turn
But I don't think
I can make eye contact much longer
Without a word uttered
To give me any idea
Could you use your mouth and not your eyes for once?
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Beat of a Wing

Everyone has those thoughts
Those ugly thoughts
That, when they transform into something more
They take wing and fly away bumping into everything like a moth
And everyone has those moments
Those moments where you can't control the situation
And when you think its okay to fly away
You fall like a baby bird out of the nest
Some have those times
Those times you can't make it by yourself
Because it's so painful
And feel like a water drenched bug who can't fly
But somehow what if we made something of it
What if we spoke, and meant, nice things when we didn't want to
Or be a comfort to someone who is going through a hard time
Or give up complete control
Maybe we could finally be graceful butterflies
Monday, March 24, 2008
Pictures on the Whitewashed Walls

As a child I wished to draw on walls
Even if it came out in scribbles
To me it would appear to be a whole other world
An escape
As a young teen I read a book
That a girl had painted her room
And stretched across the wall and ceiling
Was a magnificent tree
It was not that it would be nice to look at
Because it would
But even more then that
If I painted one, it would show that I was more than that
Because while I might be cute
I want to show I can accomplish something
And show others that beauty
Is something more then from the outside
Because while I imagined that tree
Or even nightfall on a cityscape
I want to fall back into the beauty that it brings
While it lets my soul sing
When I Settle Down I'm Painting on my Walls
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Baby, It's the Atmosphere

I hear you calling me back
Your voice calling through the trees
I'm not far away yet
But this cold is starting to get to me
Baby come in, cuz its cold outside
you're leaving with your life and you're taking mine
Baby come back cuz I'm dying inside
I don't know how long I can make it on my...
My every breath is hanging in the air
Every word I utter stays frozen in this atmosphere
But my lungs freeze over from my coldness
And not the ideas that look like cigarette smoke
And I'm thinking this is the lamest joke
Hanging suspended like I'm leaving you
And my insides tear at every step
Until I run back to you
Baby come in, cuz its cold outside
you're leaving with your life and you're taking mine
Baby come back cuz I'm dying inside
I don't know how long I can make it on my own
Running Back to the Warmth I So Love
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Tale of Two Princes
I think it bugs me how much
I'm starting to feel like I should know you
And be known by you
And am liking you
I don't think this is healthy
Dwelling on this
When nothing more than a glance
Goes between us
When it shouldn't be me and you
But rather me and him
And why did you have to come into the picture
At all when I was already so content?
This confusion needs to come to light soon
Before I tear myself in two
Because fairy tale's never are like this
And I'd rather not like to be in a twisted story
My prince needs to come rescue me
I'm starting to feel like I should know you
And be known by you
And am liking you
I don't think this is healthy
Dwelling on this
When nothing more than a glance
Goes between us
When it shouldn't be me and you
But rather me and him
And why did you have to come into the picture
At all when I was already so content?
This confusion needs to come to light soon
Before I tear myself in two
Because fairy tale's never are like this
And I'd rather not like to be in a twisted story
My prince needs to come rescue me
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Reaching the Clouds

Isn't it funny
How we push away things
That bug us or annoy us,
that we can't be bothered with
Its like we want to be free
Living in the fast lane
Swinging with no attachments
Swinging life away
But that is impossible
Unless your mind happens
to live on a tropic island
and you rock back and forth in a corner
muttering to yourself
No complications
No hardships
No rude awakenings
No rules
Well thanks for the notion
That we could get by like that
But I doubt that we'd survive long
And I think I'll wait until heaven for that
Because without all of that
I'd be a wimpy person
With the mind of a four year old
Who doesn't want to learn, who wants never to grow up
But then how could we find things?
Friends would be disposable, not close like brothers
Everything would be a play thing that wouldn't matter if its broken
And then, what is love?
So I'll keep the chains on my swing, thanks all the same.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Aid in Afraid
Patricia has inspired me
I am afraid.
I am afraid of failing, either myself or others or God because it will show I am weak
I am afraid of not learning because I am afraid to fail
I am slowly learning how to fail and learn from it
I am afraid that my trying my hardest won't be my best
I am afraid that that I know what I should do but won't because of others
I am afraid.
I am afraid of failing, either myself or others or God because it will show I am weak
I am afraid of not learning because I am afraid to fail
I am slowly learning how to fail and learn from it
I am afraid that my trying my hardest won't be my best
I am afraid that that I know what I should do but won't because of others
I am afraid of love.
I am afraid of not being loved
I am afraid that I will fall in love with the wrong person and realize it too late
I am afraid that my passion will die or grow cold
I am afraid of commitment in love
I am afraid of not being loved
I am afraid that I will fall in love with the wrong person and realize it too late
I am afraid that my passion will die or grow cold
I am afraid of commitment in love
I am afraid that I will love someone passionately but that I won't be good enough for them
I am afraid of no one listening
I am afraid of my arm/hand/fingers being injured so that I can longer longer play the guitar
I am afraid of the music dying
I am afraid that my parents don't want me to do what I've been called to
I am afraid of letting my friends down too often that they won't care anymore
I am afraid of people using me to get what they want and leaving me in the dumpster when they are done.
I am afraid that I don't try hard enough for God
I am afraid that people will think I'm rude for not speaking to them when I'm only shy and enjoy silence more.
I am afraid that I will not have the right words to say when I need them.
I am afraid of my friends going to hell if I shared the Gospel to them
I am afraid that I have not shared the Gospel enough to them
I am afraid of becoming too cocky when I drive and then killing someoneI am afraid of my arm/hand/fingers being injured so that I can longer longer play the guitar
I am afraid of the music dying
I am afraid that my parents don't want me to do what I've been called to
I am afraid of letting my friends down too often that they won't care anymore
I am afraid of people using me to get what they want and leaving me in the dumpster when they are done.
I am afraid that I don't try hard enough for God
I am afraid that people will think I'm rude for not speaking to them when I'm only shy and enjoy silence more.
I am afraid that I will not have the right words to say when I need them.
I am afraid of my friends going to hell if I shared the Gospel to them
I am afraid that I have not shared the Gospel enough to them
I am afraid of awkwardness
I am afraid of not being myself
I am afraid that my dreams are untrue and the wrong thing for my life
I am afraid I am 'all talk and no walk'
I am afraid I don’t pray enough
I am afraid that my pride will be my downfall
But I am learning
I am afraid of leaning on others
I am afraid that I will not be able to laugh at myself
I am afraid that I will always be just one of the guys
Though I like to be sometimes
I am afraid that I may crack one day
I am afraid for my sisters
I am afraid for my parents because of my sisters
I am afraid for my friends
I am afraid for myself
When I get really afraid
I come to you in trust.
I'm proud to praise God;
fearless now, I trust in God.
What can flesh do to me?
Psalm 56: 3-4
The Message & KJV
Friday, January 4, 2008
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