I hear you calling me back
Your voice calling through the trees
I'm not far away yet
But this cold is starting to get to me
Baby come in, cuz its cold outside
you're leaving with your life and you're taking mine
Baby come back cuz I'm dying inside
I don't know how long I can make it on my...
My every breath is hanging in the air
Every word I utter stays frozen in this atmosphere
But my lungs freeze over from my coldness
And not the ideas that look like cigarette smoke
And I'm thinking this is the lamest joke
Hanging suspended like I'm leaving you
And my insides tear at every step
Until I run back to you
Baby come in, cuz its cold outside
you're leaving with your life and you're taking mine
Baby come back cuz I'm dying inside
I don't know how long I can make it on my own
Running Back to the Warmth I So Love
hey i like this...
did you write this?
Sure did! I'm glad you like it!
I love to write so everything written in this blog comes straight from my soul.
Unfortunately the pictures do not.
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