Look at me when I'm standing
Don't kick me when I'm down
If you want to help just listen
Even if I only can cry
Because everyone ends up being so down
At least once in their live
That they need to know someone
Even one person is there for them
I wouldn't be able to survive on my own
Without one other person
And that's what keeps me going
Knowing that I'd let at least one person down if I stop
So Don't Stop Breathing In
When everything is being thrown against you
And you're running the other way
Getting knocked down
Because I'm There Running Beside You
Hey Beth,
I really like your poem. You always seem to know how to put how you feel into words,a nd also how to paint a picture with your words.
You are truely amazing.
i have a poetry blog too... half of it is in french,but you can check it out if you'd like...
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